The pumpkin patch, see Noah holding our first ripening pumpkin. On the teepee are some mangy looking bean plants . I'm not sure why they're so puny. To the left of the beans I planted a bunch of purple coneflower seeds, but I don't think a single one has grown. Bummer!

This bed used to have snap peas in front. Now it is all tomatoes with the exception of one Japanese eggplant on the far left. The egglplant and the small tomatoes are doing great. The big tomatoes aren't doing as well.

These are the only big tomatoes we've grown so far. If you know why they split, let me know. I pulled them off so they'd stop taking energy from the plant, but I don't think we'll be able to eat them.
Now that it's too hot for lettuce, we have Basil (2 kinds) and nasturiums in the window boxes.

On the left, which is actually the front, of this bed are cucumber seedlings. In the middle are a few peppers (I think I'll add a couple more) and one random zinnia. On the right are bush beans. My friend Christie gave me the seeds for the cucumbers and bush beans.

This is a (hard to see) shot of the straw bale garden. The healthy looking vine is a cucumber. Then there are (were) 3 dead cucumber seedlings. And still hanging on, but not quite thriving are several pepper plants.

The tiniest lizard I've ever seen. Is he eating my pepper plants?

Prickly cukes.

More tomatoes.

The strawberry plants are growing a lot. Hopefully next summer we'll get a lot of berries. We also have 2 raspberry bushes. 1 is doing pretty well, i think, but the other looks dead.