Saturday, September 27, 2008

The week in review

After a difficult start to the week, I think it went pretty well. The key, I'm learning, is to not really have too much planned and to be *very* flexible in terms of timelines.

It is HARD to get any teaching done when Rowan is awake. When awake Rowan wants to either be (a) in my arms, or (b) causing trouble. So, when Rowan is happily occupied with something other than me, it is usually a toilet brush in a toilet, or the newly planted brussel sprout pots, or dog food. Darn baby!

But, back to school work. This week we worked on form drawing, a Waldorf concept. And, we did a ton of reading. We're just about done the first in the 'Boxcar Children' series and we all really like it. We also started 'Little House on the Prairie.'

It is amazing how it has turned from HOT SUMMER to cold, windy, rainy fall. It is such a welcome change.

This coming week, we are going to start a Math block on the 4 processes. I have not decided whether I am going to use the Enki stories or Christopherus.

We're also going to start learning recorder, which means that either tonight or tomorrow I need to learn some recorder!!

Well, the kids are throwing all the dolls at the wall and I can't concentrate anymore, so I am off.

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