Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Lilah's birthday party!

Here are some pictures from my beautiful girl's 4th birthday party.

We had a tea party.

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Toys are such a HUGE issue around here right now. Partially because of the time of year, Noah and Lilah both have fall birthdays, then Christmas comes soon after. Partially too because of how I am feeling the need to really crack down on the kinds of toys, as well as the number of toys we keep around here.

As for the kinds of toys, I really want to limit the amount of plastic, made-in-China (or made by children or anyone not paid a fair wage), no-imagination-needed toys. I'm keeping virtually nothing for Rowan that is plastic, since everything goes in his mouth. Lilah and Noah each have some things that are plastic that we'll keep- Star Wars for Noah, a couple of baby dolls of Lilah's.

On a similar note, we've recently gone to a "no screen time" policy around here. No computer, no tv, no (absolutely NO) video games. Every now and then we'll allow a movie or something, and as the kids get older, of course they'll use the computer some, but for now, we're just done. We have always limited screen time, and recently we've limited it quite a bit. But now, we're just going cold turkey. There is so much research out there about the troublesome effects of tv, computer, video games on young children, and just really no benefit at their young ages.

The other thing is just reducing the number of toys we have. NO child needs 50 giant firetrucks, no matter how much he might like them. And, the thing is, the more things we have, the harder time the kids have finding anything to do. Either everything is put in it's place and nobody wants to get it out, for fear of putting it all back, or it's strewn all over and there's nowhere to play.

So, this is a pretty big change for us. We have spent 7 years buying lots of plastic, light up, blinky, talking toys, and watching tv daily (even though in small doses), but when you know better you do better, and so here we are, trying to do better for our kids and the planet.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Aw Shucks Corn Maze


More from Red Robin

Lilah is FOUR!

She got a new bike.But she was most excited over her Pokemon cards. Funny girl!

We went out to dinner at Red Robin.
The waiters/waitresses sang to her and brought her a sundae!
It was a great day!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The week in review

After a difficult start to the week, I think it went pretty well. The key, I'm learning, is to not really have too much planned and to be *very* flexible in terms of timelines.

It is HARD to get any teaching done when Rowan is awake. When awake Rowan wants to either be (a) in my arms, or (b) causing trouble. So, when Rowan is happily occupied with something other than me, it is usually a toilet brush in a toilet, or the newly planted brussel sprout pots, or dog food. Darn baby!

But, back to school work. This week we worked on form drawing, a Waldorf concept. And, we did a ton of reading. We're just about done the first in the 'Boxcar Children' series and we all really like it. We also started 'Little House on the Prairie.'

It is amazing how it has turned from HOT SUMMER to cold, windy, rainy fall. It is such a welcome change.

This coming week, we are going to start a Math block on the 4 processes. I have not decided whether I am going to use the Enki stories or Christopherus.

We're also going to start learning recorder, which means that either tonight or tomorrow I need to learn some recorder!!

Well, the kids are throwing all the dolls at the wall and I can't concentrate anymore, so I am off.

Monday, September 22, 2008

One of those days.

Today was one of those days, and not in a good way.

I think it was because I didn't eat breakfast. 8 cups of coffee (1/2 caf) with milk and sugar does not equal breakfast, at least not to my blood sugar and related mood. So, I was not a very patient mama today. Poor Clarke kiddos!

Also, we have reached a milestone in Rowan's babyhood. I get... well... MAD at him sometimes now. Yep, when he was just a sweet smiling lump, I never ever got mad at him. Even when he grew past lumphood and started crawling and then walking, he was still just... well, perfect in each and every possible way. But now he has developed a free will and it is driving me crazy. Not always, but sometimes. And he is still the sweetest little thing and adorable and completely hilarious, so we will definitely keep him, but oh my gosh does he drive me nuts sometimes?!
