Monday, September 22, 2008

One of those days.

Today was one of those days, and not in a good way.

I think it was because I didn't eat breakfast. 8 cups of coffee (1/2 caf) with milk and sugar does not equal breakfast, at least not to my blood sugar and related mood. So, I was not a very patient mama today. Poor Clarke kiddos!

Also, we have reached a milestone in Rowan's babyhood. I get... well... MAD at him sometimes now. Yep, when he was just a sweet smiling lump, I never ever got mad at him. Even when he grew past lumphood and started crawling and then walking, he was still just... well, perfect in each and every possible way. But now he has developed a free will and it is driving me crazy. Not always, but sometimes. And he is still the sweetest little thing and adorable and completely hilarious, so we will definitely keep him, but oh my gosh does he drive me nuts sometimes?!


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