This is just some boring old writing, no pictures of the Extremely Cute and Talenteds.
I think homeschooling is going to be a lot of trial and error- hey, just like gardening!
It is very difficult, I am finding, to decide what kind of curriculum will really work for my kids. When I started researching this, mid summer '07, I fell head over heels in love with
Enki At the risk of sounding like a total New Age/Hippie freak, it just really spoke to me. I knew in my bones that it was right for Noah. Well, long story short... though there is a lot that I still love about Enki (and that we will still use), we just cannot be hardcore Enki'ers.
So, then I thought, well maybe pure Waldorf might work better. For more on Waldorf philosophy look
hereSo I bought the
Christopherus first grade materials. I really like everything I received from Christopherus, but as with Enki, I just don't think it's for us. I will probably use some of it, but not a whole 100% All Waldorf/All the time approach.
After spending hours (in few minute chunks- HA! the life of a mom) reading homeschooling message boards I decided to try another approach:
Moving Beyond The PageFirst we got their recommended math curriculum,
Right Start math.We started that yesterday and Noah quickly informed me that math was his favorite subject. Granted, we flew through the first 14 lessons as total review, but he really liked them. He wanted to keep going, but I insisted we take a break. It is very well laid out and easy to use and has tons of fun manipulatives, and I think we will really enjoy it.
Then today we got our package from MBTP. I only ordered one "concept" to start, finally realizing that I ought to try things out before I invest a gajillion bucks in them. So, I ordered the
6-8 Culture Concept. I am so SO excited about it. I really think that Noah is going to love it, and it is going to be just what we were looking for, along with the Right Start math, the reading stuff (I'm getting to that), and the Waldorfy/Enki aspects that we will keep (crafts, nature stories, recorder....)
Because MBTP doesn't have actual reading instruction, I also bought their recommended reading program:
ABeCeDarianNoah is reading SO well these days. I'm not sure that we really need this, but we'll give it a try and see.
So, that's that. We are all really enjoying our homeschooling adventure this fall. Lilah is going to preschool two mornings a week and loving it so far.
We've joined 2 homeschooling groups:
MASCand 'Waldorf in the Piedmont.' Noah and Lilah both are taking classes with MASC on Monday afternoons. They are taught by other MASC parents. I'm planning to teach a knitting class in the Spring! This fall Noah is taking Spanish and board games. Well, the board games is just playing board games. Lilah is doing a young kids language class and music class. They're both also taking nature classes once a month through MASC.
WitP meets once a week at a beautiful creek to play. The last TWO weeks we have seen snakes!!!
Also, Noah is playing soccer, which means 2 practices a week and at least 1 game per weekend.
And both big kids are going to Sunday School at St John's Episcopal on Sundays.
I am really really thinking about finding a stable and signing them up for riding lessons, but I'm worried that will make us TOO busy. Thinking, thinking....