my camera died. i think it was the kids supreme cuteness that killed it. this morning we all went to the farmer's market. this is the basket we take full of this morning's purchases- a bag of kale, a
big bunch of green onions, some organic, grass-fed ground beef, and some pastured natural pork breakfast sausage. oh, and some free range eggs too!

noah had his first soccer game of the season. he is now in the U8 (under 8) league. it is a BIG difference from the U6 league, where he was about the only one who understood the basic premise of the game. he was very very nervous, but it all worked out fine in the end. his team is the 'cougars' and i am the team mom!

brian took this cute picture of me and rowan at the game.

after lunch brian had to go to work. the kids and i made brownies.
i think i'm going to try one of the kids fisher price cameras tomorrow.
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